Acrylic Painting Workshop
Sunday 28 September 2025 - Knaresborough
Available spaces
This one-day Acrylic Painting Workshop for Beginners starts with a basic introduction to the materials we will be using. This won't last long before we get mixing paint. Our first exercise is to complete a colour wheel using the three primary colours. Using the primaries, we will mix secondary colours. From the combination of the primary and secondary colours, we will mix tertiary colours. We will also mix the complementary colours to create an assortment of greys and muted colours. Attendees then select an already gridded-up image, create a corresponding grid on canvas paper and start sketching in their composition. Those feeling more confident about getting their proportions right without a grid, can do so. There will then be a quick demonstration showing the group how to create a quick tonal underpainting using a mix of burnt umber and water. The rest of the morning will be spent creating a limited-colour painting on top of your underpainting. This exercise will get us thinking about tonal values - your darks, lights and everything in between - using burnt umber, black and white. After lunch, participants will be given a demonstration on how to mix colour and will shortly after begin adding full colour to their paintings. This will take us to 4pm. For those that finish early there will be more exercises to follow. This workshop will give you a good knowledge of the materials you will need to carry on painting at home. You will gain an understanding of how to mix warm and cool colours as well as gain insights into the importance of contrasting values ensuring your paintings have good lights and darks. You will also hear lots during the workshop about technique and application so you can, in time, learn to develop your own unique style. Children over 12 years old may attend this workshop if accompanied by a paying adult. Children over 14 years old are welcome to attend unaccompanied. Sunday 28 September 2025 10am - 4pm with Christopher Shaw This workshop takes place at: Henshaws Art & Crafts Centre 50 Bond End Knaresborough HG5 9AL Includes all materials, refreshments and lunch. Parking at Henshaws When you arrive at Henshaws you will see signage indicating parking charges apply. This does not apply to participants of NYAS workshops. To register for free parking simply enter your vehicle registration details into the iPad in the cafe
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All Classes, Courses, Workshops and Masterclasses are priced including VAT charged at 20%. Cancelations and Rescheduling You can reschedule a bookaclass.org event up to 4 weeks before the commencement of the event bookaclass.org will transfer your booking to an alternative date and provide written confirmation of the cancelation and new booking. You can cancel a bookaclass.org event up to 4 weeks before commencement of the event. bookaclass.org will process a full refund for the event which will be made to your original payment method and can take 3-5 business days to process. Please note a 5% cancellation fee will apply to cover bank and administration charges. Cancelations within 4 weeks of the event will not be refunded, however bookaclass.org will look to reschedule you onto a future bookaclass.org event. This option is at the discretion of bookaclass.org. Your Right to Cancel If you are a customer living in the United Kingdom or the European Union you have the right to cancel your contract to purchase services from us within 14 days of purchase without giving notice. The cancellation period will end 14 days from the date of purchase when you purchased a service. To exercise your right to cancel you must inform us of your decision to cancel within the cancelation period. To cancel, contact us by email at info@bookaclass.org.