Tuesday Portrait Drawing & Painting
Tuesdays 10am - 12.30pm
Unlike life drawing which offers a variety of poses, this portrait class asks artists to capture a likeness in one pose over two and half hours. The model is clothed and seated and suitably lit. The session is open to five artists so as to more easily afford everyone a good view of the model's face. The session is also suitable for those wanting to draw or paint the whole figure. This session is for all levels. Tuition is on hand from timekeeper and artist Chris Shaw with a focus on form (breaking appearances down to component parts and underlying geometry); values (looking at the shifts from darks to lights); application (mindfulness about the various ways charcoal, or paints, or pencils can be used) and colour (we don't want it straight from the tube! We want to mix it and think about tone: how hot or cool colours can be). Portrait Drawing & Painting at NYAS is not necessarily an academic exercise. Objective reality, proportion, measuring etc. can be turned on its head by those wanting to take a more subjective, expressive, even lighthearted approach... but for those wanting to be faithful to what they see, then Chris can help you get a good measure of the model. This takes time and the sessions are best viewed as exercise. Life drawers and portrait artists puzzle out problems to do with transferring three dimensions into two. It's tiring work but a good session will return you to the world feeling you've been using your eyes properly. It's great for focussing the mind and lifting spirits. - Easels are provided. - Free charcoal and newsprint paper is provided. - We recommend you bring with you a good set of pencils or pencil crayons and a pad of at least A3 and up to A2 cartridge paper. - We have canvases you can purchase from us (up to £5) or bring your own. - Please bring paints and brushes with you. You can get a cheap set of paints from The Works on Scarborough's main high street. - For those uncertain of what to bring, then come along and we'll talk it through. - Please bring any other materials you might want to use. - Free tea, coffee and biscuits are provided. Tuesdays 10am - 12.30pm with Chris Shaw This pay-as-you-go class takes place at: North Yorks Art School 2-4 South Street Scarborough YO11 2BP
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All Classes, Courses, Workshops and Masterclasses are priced including VAT charged at 20%. Cancelations and Rescheduling You can reschedule a bookaclass.org event up to 2 weeks before the commencement of the event. bookaclass.org will transfer your booking to an alternative date and provide written confirmation of the cancelation and new booking. You can cancel a bookaclass.org event up to 2 weeks before commencement of the event. bookaclass.org will process a full refund for the event which will be made to your original payment method and can take 3-5 business days to process. Cancelations within 2 weeks of the event will not be refunded, however bookaclass.org will look to reschedule you onto a future bookaclass.org event. This option is at the discretion of bookaclass.org. Your Right to Cancel If you are a customer living in the United Kingdom or the European Union you have the right to cancel your contract to purchase services from us within 14 days of purchase without giving notice. The cancellation period will end 14 days from the date of purchase when you purchased a service. To exercise your right to cancel you must inform us of your decision to cancel within the cancelation period. To cancel, contact us by email at info@bookaclass.org.