Linocut Printmaking Reduction Course
Starts Wednesday 26 February 2025 - Scarborough
Available spaces
This four-week reduction linocut course is aimed at people with some linocut experience (a general knowledge about the tools and materials used and some previous cutting and printing experience). The course will teach you how to prepare an image for reduction lino printing: how to decide on the number and sequence of layers; how to prepare your paper for printing; how to transfer the image to lino and how to cut and print different coloured layers. The first three weeks are aimed at understanding the technique of reduction lino printing and in those weeks you will be working on images prepared for you by the tutor. This is to prepare you for the fourth week where you will have enough experience, confidence and skill to work on your own designs and produce an edition of your own reduction linocut prints. Each week will start with instructions and a demonstration of other artists' work to demonstrate the discussed techniques. On week one you will also receive an email with links to different artists' websites or Instagram pages, as well as good articles and YouTube videos about reduction lino printing along with the full list of materials that we will use in class. Week 1. Three-Tone Reduction To understand how reduction lino works we will create a three-layer linocut using three shades of one colour. We will look at registration (making sure all the layers of the image are aligned with each other). The tutor will demonstrate how to transfer an image onto a piece of lino and a cutting demonstration will follow. You will start cutting your block and printing your layers. Week 2. Four Colour Reduction Using Different Colours The tutor will demonstrate examples of similar works by other artists and talk about colour mixing and how one layer of colour affects the next layer. You will also look at how to prepare your image for four-colour reduction, with a focus on how the layer order is determined. Week 3. Selective Printing and Rainbow Rolls In this lesson we will explore creative inking techniques like 'rainbow rolls' and inking different parts of a layer with different colours. Week 4. Working Toward Your Own Design Incorporating all you've learned using images selected by the tutor, you will cut and print an edition based on your own design. Wednesdays 26 February to 19 February 2025 10am - 2pm with Darya Savonina This course takes place at: North Yorks Art School 2-4 South Street Scarborough YO11 2BP Includes all materials and refreshments
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All Classes, Courses, Workshops and Masterclasses are priced including VAT charged at 20%. Cancelations and Rescheduling You can reschedule a bookaclass.org event up to 4 weeks before the commencement of the event bookaclass.org will transfer your booking to an alternative date and provide written confirmation of the cancelation and new booking. You can cancel a bookaclass.org event up to 4 weeks before commencement of the event. bookaclass.org will process a full refund for the event which will be made to your original payment method and can take 3-5 business days to process. Please note a 5% cancellation fee will apply to cover bank and administration charges. Cancelations within 4 weeks of the event will not be refunded, however bookaclass.org will look to reschedule you onto a future bookaclass.org event. This option is at the discretion of bookaclass.org. Your Right to Cancel If you are a customer living in the United Kingdom or the European Union you have the right to cancel your contract to purchase services from us within 14 days of purchase without giving notice. The cancellation period will end 14 days from the date of purchase when you purchased a service. To exercise your right to cancel you must inform us of your decision to cancel within the cancelation period. To cancel, contact us by email at info@bookaclass.org.